The thoroughbred is born and developed in England between the Seventeenth and Eighteenth centuries. It is the result of a selection based on speed and stamina measured on the racecourse. History of the modern thoroughbred begins with the import of the three oriental stallions, Byerley Turk (1689), Darley Arabian (1704) and Godolphin Barb or Arabian (1729). From them descend the three founders stallions in the male line of breed: Herod (1753) from the line of Byerley, Eclipse (1764) descendant of Darley; Matchem (1748) by Godolphin. Today a large percentage of the winners of the classic races in the World, can be traced in the male line to Donatello II, Nearco and Ribot, bred in Italy in the first half of the Twentieth century by Federico Tesio, who may be called the Breeder which laid down the principles of the modern breeding of thoroughbreds. In Italy the thoroughbred horse auctions were held from 1963 to 2001 with the organization of ANAC, the National Association of Thoroughbred Breeders; since 2002 took over SGA Società Gestione Aste - controlled by ANAC -. SGA is responsible to organize and manage the auctions, to permit the proper enhancement and distribution of products breeded in Italy, guaranteeing for its accuracy and professionalism, using a dedicated staff of international value. The 6,000 horses in the ring of SGA auctions during this administration include international champions Electrocutionist (born 2001), Pressing (2003), Amadeus Wolf (2003), Voila Ici (2005), Rip Van Winkle (2006). 
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